Class Diagram
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| public class Singleton {
private static Singleton uniqueInstance; private Singleton(){} public static Singleton getUniqueInstance(){ if (uniqueInstance == null){ uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } return uniqueInstance; }
private static Singleton uniqueInstance2 = new Singleton();
public static synchronized Singleton getUniqueInstance2(){ if (uniqueInstance == null){ uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } return uniqueInstance; }
public static Singleton getUniqueInstance3(){ if (uniqueInstance == null){ synchronized (Singleton.class){ if (uniqueInstance==null){ uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } } } return uniqueInstance; }
private static class SingletonHolder{ private static final Singleton INSTANCE =new Singleton(); } public static Singleton getUniqueInstance4(){ return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; }
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| public interface Product { } public class ConcreteProduct implements Product { } public class ConcreteProduct1 implements Product { } public class ConcreteProduct2 implements Product { } public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args) { int type = 1; Product product; if (type == 1) { product = new ConcreteProduct1(); } else if (type == 2) { product = new ConcreteProduct2(); } else { product = new ConcreteProduct(); } } }
public class SimpleFactory {
public Product createProduct(int type) { if (type == 1) { return new ConcreteProduct1(); } else if (type == 2) { return new ConcreteProduct2(); } return new ConcreteProduct(); } }
Class Diagram
下图中,Factory 有一个 doSomething() 方法,这个方法需要用到一个产品对象,
这个产品对象由 factoryMethod() 方法创建。该方法是抽象的,需要由子类去实现。
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| public abstract class Factory { abstract public Product factoryMethod(); public void doSomething() { Product product = factoryMethod(); } } public class ConcreteFactory extends Factory { public Product factoryMethod() { return new ConcreteProduct(); } } public class ConcreteFactory1 extends Factory { public Product factoryMethod() { return new ConcreteProduct1(); } } public class ConcreteFactory2 extends Factory { public Product factoryMethod() { return new ConcreteProduct2(); } }
提供一个接口,用于创建 相关的对象家族 。
Class Diagram
抽象工厂模式用到了工厂方法模式来创建单一对象,AbstractFactory 中的 createProductA() 和 createProductB() 方法都是让子类来实现,这两个方法单独来看就是在创建一个对象,这符合工厂方法模式的定义。
至于创建对象的家族这一概念是在 Client 体现,Client 要通过 AbstractFactory 同时调用两个方法来创建出两个对象,在这里这两个对象就有很大的相关性,Client 需要同时创建出这两个对象。
从高层次来看,抽象工厂使用了组合,即 Cilent 组合了 AbstractFactory,而工厂方法模式使用了继承。
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| public class AbstractProductA { } public class AbstractProductB { } public class ProductA1 extends AbstractProductA { } public class ProductA2 extends AbstractProductA { } public class ProductB1 extends AbstractProductB { } public class ProductB2 extends AbstractProductB { } public abstract class AbstractFactory { abstract AbstractProductA createProductA(); abstract AbstractProductB createProductB(); } public class ConcreteFactory1 extends AbstractFactory { AbstractProductA createProductA() { return new ProductA1(); }
AbstractProductB createProductB() { return new ProductB1(); } } public class ConcreteFactory2 extends AbstractFactory { AbstractProductA createProductA() { return new ProductA2(); }
AbstractProductB createProductB() { return new ProductB2(); } } public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { AbstractFactory abstractFactory = new ConcreteFactory1(); AbstractProductA productA = abstractFactory.createProductA(); AbstractProductB productB = abstractFactory.createProductB(); } }
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public class AbstractStringBuilder {
protected char[] value;
protected int count; public AbstractStringBuilder(int capacity){ count=0; value = new char[capacity]; }
public AbstractStringBuilder append(char c){ ensureCapacityInternal(count+1); value[count++] = c; return this; }
private void ensureCapacityInternal(int minimumCapacity){ if (minimumCapacity - value.length>0){ expandCapacity(minimumCapacity); } }
void expandCapacity(int minimumCapacity){ int newCapacity = value.length*2+2; if (newCapacity - minimumCapacity < 0){ newCapacity = minimumCapacity; } if (newCapacity < 0 ){ if (minimumCapacity<0) throw new OutOfMemoryError(); newCapacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } value = Arrays.copyOf(value,newCapacity); } }
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| public class Prototype implements Cloneable{ interface Pro{ Object myClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; } public static class Plane implements Cloneable, Serializable { private String name;
private Date data;
public Date getData() { return data; }
public void setData(Date data) { this.data = data; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void download() { System.out.println("下载附件"+name); } @Override public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ Object object = super.clone(); Plane plane = (Plane)object; plane.data = (Date) this.data.clone(); return object; } } @Test public void ll() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Plane plane = new Plane(); plane.setData(new Date()); System.out.println(plane); System.out.println(new Plane()); System.out.println(plane.clone()); } }
Class Diagram
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| public class ChainOfResponsibility { public class Request {
private RequestType type; private String name;
public Request(RequestType type, String name) { this.type = type; this.name = name; }
public RequestType getType() { return type; }
public String getName() { return name; } } public enum RequestType { TYPE1, TYPE2 } abstract class Handler {
protected Handler successor;
public Handler(Handler successor) { this.successor = successor; }
protected abstract void handleRequest(Request request); } public class ConcreteHandler1 extends Handler {
public ConcreteHandler1(Handler successor) { super(successor); }
@Override protected void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getType() == RequestType.TYPE1) { System.out.println(request.getName() + " is handle by ConcreteHandler1"); return; } if (successor != null) { successor.handleRequest(request); } } } public class ConcreteHandler2 extends Handler {
public ConcreteHandler2(Handler successor) { super(successor); }
@Override protected void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getType() == RequestType.TYPE2) { System.out.println(request.getName() + " is handle by ConcreteHandler2"); return; } if (successor != null) { successor.handleRequest(request); } } } @Test public void test(){ Handler handler1 = new ConcreteHandler1(null); Handler handler2 = new ConcreteHandler2(handler1);
Request request1 = new Request(RequestType.TYPE1, "request1"); handler2.handleRequest(request1);
Request request2 = new Request(RequestType.TYPE2, "request2"); handler2.handleRequest(request2);
} }
Class Diagram
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public class CommandModel { interface Command { void execute(); } public class Light {
public void on() { System.out.println("Light is on!"); }
public void off() { System.out.println("Light is off!"); } } public class LightOnCommand implements Command { Light light;
public LightOnCommand(Light light) { this.light = light; }
@Override public void execute() { light.on(); } } public class LightOffCommand implements Command { Light light;
public LightOffCommand(Light light) { this.light = light; }
@Override public void execute() { light.off(); } } public class Invoker{ private Command[] onCommands; private Command[] offCommands; private final int slotNum = 7; public Invoker() { this.onCommands = new Command[slotNum]; this.offCommands = new Command[slotNum]; } public void setOnCommand(Command command, int slot) { onCommands[slot] = command; }
public void setOffCommand(Command command, int slot) { offCommands[slot] = command; }
public void onButtonWasPushed(int slot) { onCommands[slot].execute(); }
public void offButtonWasPushed(int slot) { offCommands[slot].execute(); } } @Test public void test(){ Invoker invoker = new Invoker(); Light light = new Light(); Command lightOnCommand = new LightOnCommand(light); Command lightOffCommand = new LightOffCommand(light); invoker.setOnCommand(lightOnCommand, 1); invoker.setOffCommand(lightOffCommand, 1); invoker.onButtonWasPushed(1); invoker.offButtonWasPushed(1); } }
提供了评估语言的语法或表达式的方式,它属于行为型模式。这种模式实现了一个表达式接口,该接口解释一个特定的上下文。这种模式被用在 SQL 解析、符号处理引擎等。
以下是一个规则检验器实现,具有 and 和 or 规则,通过规则可以构建一颗解析树,用来检验一个文本是否满足解析树定义的规则。
例如一颗解析树为 D And (A Or (B C)),文本 “D A” 满足该解析树定义的规则。
这里的 Context 指的是 String。
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public class Interpreter { public abstract class Expression { public abstract boolean interpret(String str); } public class TerminalExpression extends Expression {
private String literal = null;
public TerminalExpression(String str) { literal = str; }
public boolean interpret(String str) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String test = st.nextToken(); if (test.equals(literal)) { System.out.println("执行interpret"); return true; } } System.out.println("执行interpret"); return false; } } public class AndExpression extends Expression {
private Expression expression1 = null; private Expression expression2 = null;
public AndExpression(Expression expression1, Expression expression2) { this.expression1 = expression1; this.expression2 = expression2; }
public boolean interpret(String str) { System.out.println("执行interpret"); return expression1.interpret(str) && expression2.interpret(str); } } public class OrExpression extends Expression { private Expression expression1 = null; private Expression expression2 = null;
public OrExpression(Expression expression1, Expression expression2) { this.expression1 = expression1; this.expression2 = expression2; }
public boolean interpret(String str) { System.out.println("执行interpret"); return expression1.interpret(str) || expression2.interpret(str); } }
public Expression buildInterpreterTree() { Expression terminal1 = new TerminalExpression("A"); Expression terminal2 = new TerminalExpression("B"); Expression terminal3 = new TerminalExpression("C"); Expression terminal4 = new TerminalExpression("D"); Expression alternation1 = new OrExpression(terminal2, terminal3); Expression alternation2 = new OrExpression(terminal1, alternation1); return new AndExpression(terminal4, alternation2); } @Test public void test(){ Expression define = buildInterpreterTree(); String context1 = "D A"; String context2 = "A B"; System.out.println(define.interpret(context1)); System.out.println(define.interpret(context2)); } }
Java 和 .Net 编程环境中非常常用的设计模式。这种模式用于顺序访问集合对象的元素,不需要知道集合对象的底层表示。迭代器模式属于行为型模式。
- 1、创建接口:
- 2、创建实现了接口的实体类。
- 3、使用.来获取迭代器,并打印名字。
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public class Iterator {
public interface Aggregate { Iterator2 createIterator(); } public class ConcreteAggregate implements Aggregate {
private Integer[] items;
public ConcreteAggregate() { items = new Integer[10]; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i] = i; } }
@Override public Iterator2 createIterator() { return new ConcreteIterator<Integer>(items); } } public interface Iterator2<Item> {
Item next();
boolean hasNext(); } public class ConcreteIterator<Item> implements Iterator2 {
private Item[] items; private int position = 0;
public ConcreteIterator(Item[] items) { this.items = items; }
@Override public Object next() { return items[position++]; }
@Override public boolean hasNext() { return position < items.length; } } @Test public void test(){ ConcreteAggregate aggregate = new ConcreteAggregate(); Iterator2 iterator = aggregate.createIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ System.out.println(iterator.next()); } } }